Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some questions regarding this site, how it works and the suppliers involved in the provision of the Lindum Hockey Club online store.
Who are Lindum Hockey Club?
Lindum Hockey Club is an amateur sports hockey club, based in Lincoln in the United Kingdom. Our main website is at
Who are MDH Teamwear?
MDH Teamwear, based in Leicestershire, are a supplier of sports kits, training equipment and medical kits to the sporting industry. They are a recognised and authorised stockist of the Canterbury brand.

In the event of a problem with your MDH Teamwear order, they can be contacted via the following:
MDH Teamwear & Trophies
Unit D3, Welland Business Park
Valley Way
Market Harborough,
Leicestershire LE16 7PS
Telephone: 01858 434 812
Email: [email protected]
Who looks after this website / online store?
The store is run and maintained by Lindum Hockey Club itself, via a team of volunteers (who also have full-time jobs, so please bear that in mind if you’re looking for immediate responses!).
How secure is this site?
This site is built and maintained to current online store standards. Your personal details are held securely, and in accordance with the club’s privacy policies, and your payment details are passed straight on to our payment partners (Stripe); these details are not kept by the club.
If your order is via MDH Teamwear, please contact them in the first instance for a quicker resolution (their contact details are on this page).
An enquiry can be made at any time via [email protected].
Can I buy a playing shirt?
At the moment home playing shirts are provided to players via the teams and these are not currently available to purchase directly.
Away shirts (adult and junior) are available.
I have a coupon / voucher code, how do I redeem it?
There is a “coupon code” text box on the basket page. Enter your code into here and press the “Apply Coupon” button.
Do I need an account to place an order?
An account is helpful for recalling your details for a later order, or going back to see previous orders but you can place a new order without creating an account.
What payment methods are accepted?
We accept all major credit and debit cards in addition to Apple Pay and Google Pay if they are supported by your web browser.
We do not store, nor even see, your payment details.
Can I order now and pay later?
No, we are not able to provide a credit service for orders.
I didn’t receive an order confirmation email
If you’ve placed an order on this store but not received confirmation, then you can log into your account to see an order (if you have set one up), or drop us an email and we shall trigger another.
When can collection-only orders be collected?
Details of when your order can be collected from the club (at St Giles Avenue) will be sent to you as a part of the order process.
What if I have a problem with my order?
Inevitably, problems may occur from time-to-time with your order. When this happens we will endeavour to resolve any issues to our best efforts and as quickly as we can.
In the first instance you should contact the supplier of the products you’ve ordered (their details are on this page). If you don’t know who the supplier is, or need the issue to be escalated, then let us know.
When will my order be here?
Lead times for orders vary depending upon the supplier and stock availability. We try to give us clear as possible on this site over lead times.
MDH Teamwear’s lead times are 2-3 weeks from the date of ordering
Where is my order?
In the first instance, please contact the relevant supplier to enquire about the progress of your order.
What if I would like a product not listed?
We are always open to increasing the range of items on this site, let us know what you’d like to see on here.
If you’re looking for branded club kit that’s not on here, such as tournament shirts, then please let us know. As per the club’s arrangement, branded kit can only be obtained from MDH Teamwear.
I could be a potential supplier of products?
Please feel free to drop us a note, though please be aware that we don’t always respond to unsolicited emails. We also need to be protective of the club’s brand and need to be aware of demand and supply.